About us

Get to know MuniFin and read our latest news.
MuniFin colleagues in a meeting room
Chief economist Timo Vesala.

Economic forecasts

Interested in the development of the Finnish economy?

We publish quarterly up-to-date information on the current state and trends of the Finnish economy. MuniFin’s economic forecasts are produced by Chief Economist Timo Vesala.

Reports and publications

Explore our reports

MuniFin regularly publishes reports on the Group’s financial standing, risks, capital adequacy, administration, remuneration and sustainability. We also regularly publish impact reports on our green and social finance.
A person holding a tablet.

Reports and publications

Explore our reports

MuniFin regularly publishes reports on the Group’s financial standing, risks, capital adequacy, administration, remuneration and sustainability. We also regularly publish impact reports on our green and social finance.
Smiling woman sitting

Corporate Governance

Learn about MuniFin’s corporate governance and operating practices

We constantly improve our corporate governance and operating practices to meet the needs of our shareholders, customers, investors and staff and the requirements set out in regulation.